Audio Files
The audio files of the 103rd Infantry Division provide a novel means of preserving and retelling the history of the division through a voice-over audio narrative. In these audio recordings, called the 103rd Infantry Division Album of Remembrance, a team of editors and voice-over actors used written records from both during and after the war to reconstruct the division’s experiences and create an immersive history for audiences to gain a better perspective of what these men endured and accomplished during World War II. One unique aspect of this project is that it does not rely solely on the experiences of the soldiers. This project also incorporates the writing and memories of individuals who were affected by the actions of the division, such as Holocaust survivors who were liberated by the 103rd Infantry Division. Please select from below to hear some of these tracks.
The “Cactusmen” CDs contained stories from the veterans of the 103rd Infantry Division that were collected by Luke and Gary Martin. The “Legacies: Stories from the Second World War” radio show, which premiered in 2001 on a Cleveland, Ohio station, was produced, narrated, and and hosted by Tom Swope. It won several awards, including the Press Club of Cleveland’s “Ohio Excellence in Journalism Award” in both 2002 and 2007, as well as the March of Dimes Achievement in Radio (AIR) Award for the “Best Weekly Show in Northeast Ohio” in 2002. The show highlighted stories from veterans of the 103rd Infantry Division as well as period music.
Note: These audio files are unedited and may contain graphic descriptions of wartime experiences.
"Cactusmen" CD 1-3
"Cactusmen" CD 4-7
"Legacies" Radio Show
Photo Credit: Unknown photographer, SC 199073- Captain Eugene Kirby, Granite Falls, N.C., talks over SC-300 to a rifle company in the field near Rohrweiler area, France. (79th Infantry Division). U.S. Army Signal Corps Archive via Flickr.